Red Flags to Notice From a Roofing Company

Replacing or repairing a roof can be stressful for a homeowner. As the above video mentions, it is important to hire a trusted, reliable roofing company. But be on high alert for red flags when verifying their work credentials.

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Here are a couple of red flags to notice before hiring a roofing company:

Confirm a Roofing Company is Licensed and Insured

Before signing any written work agreement, a homeowner must confirm a roofing company is reputable for their work. Ask all contractors scheduled to work on the project to show their license and insurance paperwork. All documentation should be made available during your introductory meeting with the lead contractor. The importance of this information is to protect your home from possible damage during the completion of the project.

Demand an Extended Warranty

It is standard practice for a roofing company to provide an extended warranty for all completed work. The warranty protects the homeowner from any roofing issues after the installation process. Be sure the wording of the warranty agreement includes all materials, labor, and other work-related costs before acceptance.

Ask for an Estimate

Transparency is expected in a roofing project in terms of the completion date. But this is not expected with the final cost of the project. A reliable roofing contractor must provide an estimate after inspecting the condition of the home’s roof. It should include the materials and labor costs. Once the final price is agreed upon by both sides, neither can renege on the terms of the written agreement.


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